Pod coaching is a group coaching dynamic (each pod is no bigger than 4 people) that gathers together for a weekly coaching event, designed to create a supportive tribe over time and give pod members a chance to work with ALL 6 CSM coaches in rotation.
Before coming into the pod, I was in a very disoriented space.
The change that I have experienced from working with the Pod has been more than what I had hoped for.
I was looking for a change and trying to change those around me at the same time and as a result, things began to unravel. I had disconnected from any group conscious work and was tackling it all on my own which was going nowhere so when I was approached by one of the coaches it seemed to be perfect timing.
The coaching pod structure was unlike any other coaching experience I have had. Each of us had our own unique challenges to work through but the method and the structure of moving through the challenge remained the same. We were all able to learn from one another and learn how to observe others as well as our own experiences. Having 4 coaches present the same material from a slightly different perspective allowed for a greater understanding as each session always had aha moments.
The change that I have experienced from working with the pod has been more than what I had hoped for. My business has nearly doubled, my relationship with my husband has strengthened and the rhythm in my home has become more harmonious. I am able to see my triggers and reach a state of acceptance much faster and create exactly what I wish to experience. This work is powerful and the practice is constant but the reward is living a life that is created consciously by me.
Jaz - Charleston, SC
Pod Coaching Is…
Tweets from our current pod members
Honest feedback, consistent weekly support, and an opportunity to practice what you are learning with a small intimate group.
The opportunity to delve deeply into the motivating factors created by core beliefs and to see how those play out not only in your own life but in the lives of the others in your pod. Sitting with others as they are coached through their challenges can be very revealing of things at play in your own experiences.
A team of coaches who are truly pushing you to understand and crush your perceived boundaries.
A weekly reminder that you can create the experiences you want to have. It sounds easy but it’s not. Gathering weekly is the opportunity to examine your limiting thoughts and shift back into that space as the pod moves into believing it - is powerful.
Being aware throughout the week that you have a weekly session and a responsibility to your pod to participate causes you to reflect on your experiences and reactions in order to bring them forward.
A deeply intimate community that supports each other in growth and expansion. Celebrating ‘wins’ with the pod group!
POD coaching is an opportunity to work with all CSM executive and lead coaches, giving you a more diverse experience.
Join a Pod - $10,000/yr
Work with each coach for a diverse coaching experience.
Our most economical coaching package and a great way to begin the coaching experience.
Synergy amongst the Pod members creates a spirit of community and support that is backed with a private WhatsApp thread to maintain momentum and connection outside of the meetings.
Weekly coaching and accountability keeping you focused on shifting out of old patterns and into new supportive ones.
Allows for every Pod member to be served every week
I did not have direction and did not understand that I was stopping myself from going forward in any direction.
I was looking to fix myself when I am not broken. I assumed something was wrong with me when there really is nothing wrong with me. Just my beliefs playing out. So I decided to join a POD. At first, it was daunting, opening up with strangers, then realizing they are there for the same reason and they can help you as well. I have grown very fond of my POD and really like them. They are like an extension of my family across the globe. I feel comfortable being in a POD now and think it is more useful in the sense that their problems can mirror yours as well and their solution can be your solution too. My life is improving and I am learning how to be different in the face of things and how do I want to turn up and learning to focus on what I want to experience. Taking the emotion out of it and looking at the situation again (emotionless). Learning about structure and how everything has structure. Learning how to show up differently at work and in my life. Being patient with myself and as Marc states, "No external circumstances need to change in order for us to be in our power." So you do not need to change anything, just who you want to be in the face of it.
Dion - London, United Kingdom